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Global Trade Data: What to expect from import export in 2023?

2 Jan, 2023

As we enter 2023, the global import export trade landscape is expected to continue to evolve and bind the world’s nations in cohesion. While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on international trade in recent years, there are several key trends and developments that businesses involved in import and export should be aware of.

The ‘Online’ boom

One major trend in global import export trade is the increasing reliance on digital platforms and e-commerce. With more and more consumers turning to online shopping, businesses have had to adapt and find ways to sell their products digitally. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, as the shift towards digital channels accelerates. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will further this shift from brick-and-mortal to digital retail.

Sustainability in supply chains

Another key trend is the growing focus on sustainability in international trade. Consumers and businesses are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly products, and many countries are implementing regulations to promote sustainability in global trade. As a result, businesses involved in import and export should consider the environmental impact of their operations and work to reduce their carbon footprint. Marketing methods must be directed to showcase this impact.


Trade tensions between major economies are also expected to continue in 2023. The United States and China have been at the center of these tensions in recent years, and it is likely that they will continue to impact the global import export market. While the war in Ukraine rages and pushes inflation to record highs in Europe and North America. Businesses involved in international trade must prepare for potential disruptions and be ready to adapt to changing trade policies. A trader must also closely monitor the COVID situation in China.

Technological developments

In addition to these trends, there are several technological developments that will shape the global import export trade landscape in 2023. For example, the use of artificial intelligence and automation in logistics and supply chain management is expected to increase. This could lead to more efficient and cost-effective operations for businesses involved in import and export.

Another important development is the increasing use of blockchain technology in global trade. Blockchain can help to improve transparency and traceability in supply chains, and it is expected to play a larger role in the global import export market in 2023.

The low-down

Overall, the global import export trade landscape in 2023 is expected to be shaped by a range of trends and developments, including the continued growth of e-commerce and digital platforms, the increasing focus on sustainability, ongoing trade tensions between major economies, and technological advances such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. Businesses involved in import and export should be aware of these trends and be prepared to adapt and respond to changing market conditions.
